Mediterranean Cooking

Vegetable pizza

Receta de Pizza vegetal maridada conCava de Guarda.jpg
Cava de Guarda sirviendo.png
Light, fruity and citric, its crisp, fast bubbles are typical of a young wine. On the palate, notes of white flowers and fruits like green apple and pear. Ideal for pairing with all types of aperitivos, salads, light canapés or seafood.
1 Hour
4 people

Who says you can’t drink Cava with pizza? We tend to associate pizza with the idea of fast food and choose sugary drinks to go with it. As a society we need to challenge this very limiting idea, and try to make sure that there’s also an awareness of artisan and quality pizza out there. Within this context, good pizza made with quality local ingredients is perfect for pairing with a good Cava.

At the Cava D.O. we suggest making an artisan pizza dough each with a different kind of cheese as the star of the show: one with camembert and the other with goat’s cheese. Either of these two options are perfect for pairing with a Cava de Guarda (aged for 9 months).


For the pizza dough:
30ml extra virgin olive oil
220ml water
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 sachet of dried yeast
400g strong flour
For the goat’s cheese pizza:
Puréed tomato sauce with a hint of onion and garlic
Cherry tomatoes
Goat’s cheese
Grated mozzarella
Black olives
Rocket (arugula)
For the camembert pizza
Puréed tomato sauce with a hint of onion and garlic
Grated mozzarella
Fresh basil leaves


Lightly oil a bowl, and set aside. You’ll need it later for resting the dough once it’s prepared.
Put the water (it should be lukewarm), sugar and yeast into the breadmaker and mix well.
Add the flour, salt, and oil. Knead for 3-4 minutes.
Put the dough in the bowl that you previously set aside, cover with cling film, and leave to rest for 60 minutes.
Then divide the dough into four equal parts, and shape into four balls.
Flatten these one by one, until you have round, flat pizza shapes. If you like a thin crust for your pizza, it’s best to do this with the help of a rolling pin.
Line as many baking trays as you need with baking paper. As your pizza bases will be quite big, you’ll probably need four trays.
Once you have your pizza bases sitting on the lined baking trays, add the topping ingredients that go with your chosen variety of cheese. We suggest making two with camembert, and two with goat’s cheese.
For the camembert pizza: Cover the base with puréed tomato, leaving a margin around the edge so that your pizza will crisp up nicely.
Distribute pieces of camembert all over your pizza, on top of the puréed tomato.
Add some slices of raw courgette and aubergine.
Cover it all with grated mozzarella, and it’s ready for the oven. The fresh basil leaves can be added when the pizza is cooked.
For the goat’s cheese pizza: Cover the base with puréed tomato, leaving a margin around the edge so that your pizza will crisp up nicely.
Distribute pieces of goat’s cheese all over your pizza, on top of the puréed tomato.
Halve the cherry tomatoes, and distribute thee over the base as well, in the spaces where there's no goat’s cheese.
Stone and halve the olives, and sprinkle them over the top of your pizza.
Cover it all with grated mozzarella, and it’s ready for the oven. The rocket can be added when the pizza is cooked.
With the toppings in place, bake your pizzas in an oven preheated to 200ºC and bake for 15-20 minutes taking care they don’t burn.
Remove from the oven, and immediately add the rocket to the camembert pizzas, and the basil leaves to those with the goat’s cheese.

Now all you need to do is plate and then serve with a glass of Cava de Guarda (aged for 9 months). You’ll see for yourself that a humble pizza can also be a perfect for enjoying a meal with Cava.


If you don’t have time to leave the dough to rest for 60 minutes, give it at least 20-25 minutes (the minimum time for proving), and follow the remaining steps as indicated in the recipe.

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