Mediterranean Cooking

Hake with Pesto

Merluza al pesto con cava de guarda
Cava de Guarda sirviendo.png
Light, fruity and citric, its crisp, fast bubbles are typical of a young wine. On the palate, notes of white flowers and fruits like green apple and pear. Ideal for pairing with all types of aperitivos, salads, light canapés or seafood.
1 Hour
4 people

Hake with pesto is a simple, healthy and quintessentially Mediterranean dish. Pesto is a fresh sauce made with basil, pine nuts and Parmesan cheese. This is what will give the dish that touch of freshness on the palate. Hake is a very popular fish around the Mediterranean, but you could replace it with any other type of white fish, and the dish would be just as tasty.

According to aromas specialist and ‘Créateur d’harmonies’ François Chartier, this dish is ideal for pairing with traditional cavas (aged for more than 9 months).

This is a dish that's simple in every sense of the word, but at the same time it’s one that’s perfect for serving to the family, or to enjoy with groups of friends.


8 hake fillets
For the pesto:
50 g fresh basil leaves
100 g Parmesan cheese
2 cloves of garlic
50 g pine nuts
250 ml virgin olive oil
1 tsp salt


Place the clean dry basil leaves together with the garlic cloves (remove the germ first), salt and Parmesan cheese into the bowl of the food processor, and give it a whizz.
With the motor still running, add the oil as if you were making mayonnaise. Blend until you have a smooth sauce Now your pesto's ready, set it aside.
Add a drizzle of virgin olive oil to a nice hot pan, season the hake fillets with salt-and-pepper and cook.
Now we have all the ingredients prepared and there's just one more important step - getting the dish ready to serve. So place the hake fillets on a serving dish, and spread with the pesto.
If you like a slightly crispy top, you can pop the hake fillets in the oven for a few minutes. Or if you prefer, skip this step and serve right away.
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