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Consumer Tasting als EUA: #TasteWithKaren, una introducció a la DO Cava amb Karen MacNeil

Cata online , Estats Units d'Amèrica
Cata online
Estats Units d'Amèrica

El proper 24 de setembre tindrà lloc als Estats Units un tast virtual adreçat a consumidors finals i amants del vi. La reputada Karen MacNeil presentarà aquesta sessió, titulada "#TasteWithKaren Live Virtual Tasting introducing Cava", per introduir i donar a conèixer els diferents tipus de Cava.

Karen MacNeil està considerada la presentadora de vins més important dels Estats Units, una oradora que arriba a aficionats novells i a grans col·leccionistes de vi. Les seves xerrades personalitzades tipus TED s'acompanyen de vins extraordinaris que selecciona personalment per a l'ocasió. MacNeil també és l'autora del llibre premiat The Wine Bible, el llibre de vins més venut dels Estats Units.

Karen MacNeil

Karen MacNeil is considered the most important wine presenter in the United States, a speaker who can reach both novices and wine collectors. Her personalised TED-like talks are paired with extraordinary wines that she selects for the event. Karen is also the author of the award-winning book The Wine Bible, the best-selling wine book in the United States.

She is the only American to have won every major English-language wine award. These include the James Beard Award for Wine and Spirits Professional of the Year, the Louis Roederer International Award for Best Consumer Wine Writer, and the International Wine and Spirits Competition Award for Wine Communicator of the Year. In 2018, she was named one of the "100 Most Influential People in Wine".

Karen is the creator and Chairman Emeritus of the Culinary Institute of America's Rudd Center for Professional Wine Studies in Napa Valley, which has been called "the Harvard of wine education".

This activity is part of the D.O. Cava's promotional programme for the US market in 2021.

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