On 8 June, the prestigious British magazine The Drinks Business awarded the prize for Best Social Media Campaign of the year to "360 Degrees of Cava".
This impressive 100% digital programme was launched in early 2021 by the Cava D.O., in collaboration with the agency First Pours. The year-long campaign has featured a total of 18 Cava ambassadors around the world, focusing on the US and UK markets.
The programme is committed to generating educational content for the consumer, creating attractive material to explain about Cava and promote brands present in each of the markets.
Our "Cava Ambassadors" are renowned influencers with distinctive forms of communication on social networks. Together, they have been spreading the word about the pillars of Cava to their collective following of more than 800,000.
"360 degrees of Cava" has achieved around 380 pieces of educational content between online seminars, live tastings, interviews, reels and stunning photographs. This activity has generated more than 700,000 impressions from all audiences and more than 85,000 participations, demonstrating how influential Cava is around the world.