The Supreme Court has issued a ruling abrogating Royal Decree 536/2019 which regulated wine-growing potential. The immediate effect is that the regime of planting, replanting and conversion of rights from 2020 for all supra-autonomous D.Os (Designations of Origin). now comes under the regulations previously in force of the abrogated RD, that is Royal Decree 1338/2018.
The nullity of RD 536/2019 is on formal and procedural - not on substantive - grounds. Nor does it call into question the need to regulate wine-growing potential in accordance with the recommendations of the management bodies of the supra-autonomous D.O.s.
The scientific and academic studies carried out by external experts have ruled that there is an oversupply (an excess of hectares under vine with respect to inventories and sales) and have therefore recommended no increase in the size of the DO's wine-growing area for the three-year period 2020, 2021 and 2022. Today, these same conditions not only remain unchanged but, have on the contrary been aggravated by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Together with the Public Administrations, the Designations of Origin have the obligation to ensure the enhancement of a unique product of exceptional quality, the regulation of its viticultural potential, and the defence of the interests of our winegrowers and wineries whose efforts create wealth and guarantee the sustainability of a territory, its landscape, its economy, and its history.